Go Channels Suffice for Synchronization

  ·   7 min read

Still new to Go, I often find myself reaching out for locks and waitgroups where channels would suffice. Channels too can be used to provide mutual exclusion and are more idiomatic. So as an exercise, once in a while I try to switch code that’s using Locks/Waitgroups into using channels, just to get used to them.

For example, let’s consider the Workiva/go-datastructures/futures package. I’d define a future as a sort of placeholder for a result that’s being computed asynchronously and might be accessed by multiple threads/go-routines concurrently. Here’s a better and simpler definition though from Heather Miller & her students’ book, Programming Models for Distributed Computation:

A future or promise can be thought of as a value that will eventually become available.

Alternatively, if you’re already familiar with Javascript, futures are similar to ES6 promises.

The Workiva/futures API is short enough and is a great place to start from. The caller creates a Future value by invoking futures.New(completer, timeout). The completer argument is a read-only channel through which the result is received asynchronously. The timeout argument is there to avoid waiting for the result indefinitely. One can then check whether the result is available by using the HasResult method. If the result is available, it is retrieved using the GetResult method. If it hasn’t arrived yet, GetResult blocks until it’s available or a timeout occurs.

// Completer is a channel that the future expects to receive
// a result on.  The future only receives on this channel.
type Completer <-chan interface{}

type Future struct {...}

func New(completer Completer, timeout time.Duration) *Future

func (f *Future) HasResult() bool

func (f *Future) GetResult() (interface{}, error)

The Future struct has the following fields:

type Future struct {
   triggered bool
   item      interface{}
   err       error
   lock      sync.Mutex
   wg        sync.WaitGroup

Once available, the result is stored in the item field. However, if a timeout occurs, the item field is set to nil and the err field is set to a timeout error. The triggered boolean is mainly used to check whether the result is available. By default it’s false. Once either the result is received or a timeout occurs it’s flipped to true. And we’ll get to lock and wg soon enough.

As already mentioned, the futures.New function is used to create a Future instance. Internally, New launches a goroutine in which it waits for the result. The code sample below has been trimmed to emphasize the key ideas. Also observe that f.wg is incremented by 1 - f.wg will become relevant when we get to the GetResult method.

var errTimeout error = errors.New("timeout error")

func listenForResult(f *Future, ch <-chan interface{}, timeout time.Duration) {
   t := time.NewTimer(timeout)
   select {
   case item := <-ch:
       f.setItem(item, nil)
   case <-t.C:
       f.setItem(nil, errTimeout)

func New(completer <-chan interface{}, timeout time.Duration) *Future {
   f := &Future{}
   // ...
   go listenForResult(f, completer, timeout)
   // ...
   return f

When the value arrives from the completer channel (or a timeout occurs), the future’s setItem method is called with the result. Now, this is where things get interesting. The setItem method is defined as follows:

func (f *Future) setItem(item interface{}, err error) {
   f.triggered = true
   f.item = item
   f.err = err

Once setItem is done, all callers that were blocked on GetResult can now read the value. Again, for the sake of completion, here’s how GetResult is defined:

func (f *Future) GetResult() (interface{}, error) {
   if f.triggered {
       return f.item, f.err

   return f.item, f.err

The usage of both the waitgroup and the lock can be replaced with channels. We’ll go through each one by one to see why they are there and how channels can be used in an equivalent manner. Let’s start with the waitgroup

The wg waitgroup (which was incremented to 1 during instantiation) is there to make every goroutine that calls GetResult wait if the result isn’t available. Once available, i.e. when setItem invokes f.wg.Done(), all the goroutines that were blocked can then proceed and read the result. Simply put, the waitgroup is there for notifying blocked callers. The same can be achieved by having callers block directly while trying to ‘read’ a value from a channel and then closing the channel when the result is ready.

type Future struct {
   // ...
   completed chan struct{}

func New(completer <-chan interface{}, timeout time.Duration) *Future {
   // Note that the channel is unbuffered
   f := &Future{
       completed: make(chan struct{}),
   // ...
   go listenForResult(f, completer, timeout)
   // ...
   return f

func listenForResult(f *Future, ch <-chan interface{}, timeout time.Duration) {
   t := time.NewTimer(timeout)
   select {
   case item := <-ch:
       f.setItem(item, nil)
   case <-t.C:
       f.setItem(nil, errTimeout)
   close(f.complete) // broadcast completion

func (f *Future) GetResult() (interface{}, error) {
   if f.triggered {
       return f.item, f.err

   <-f.completed // blocks until either value is sent or channel is closed
   return f.item, f.err

As specified, channels are safe for concurrent receives and all reads from a closed channel receive the zero value. Also note that f.completed is an empty struct{} channel to indicate that it’ll be used solely for signaling rather than sending or receiving any actual values.

Now, for the locks. The f.lock is used to ensure that data races don’t occur. Data races fall under race conditions which are a kind of concurrency bug. Alan Donovan’s and Brian Kernighan’s ‘The Go Programming Language’ book provides the following description of both race conditions and data races: “A race condition is a situation in which the program does not give the correct result for some interleavings of the operations of multiple goroutines. Race conditions are pernicious because they may remain latent in a program and appear infrequently, perhaps only under heavy load or when using certain compilers, platforms, or architectures. This makes them hard to reproduce and diagnose… A data race occurs whenever two goroutines access the same variable concurrently and at least one of the accesses is a write”.

Hence the locks used above. When setItem writes to f.item, f.triggered and f.error, the locking guarantees that it has exclusive ‘ownership’ of these variables and no other goroutine is trying to read or write to those variables at that instance. Once setItem has written the result and unlocked the Lock, other goroutines can then read them safely without causing any data races.

As earlier mentioned, channels too can be used to guarantee mutual exclusion. Given how the Future object is structured, we end up with the following key factors:

  • A write occurs only once throughout the lifetime of a Future object, that is when either the result arrives or a timeout occurs.
  • All reads should occur only after the write above has been completed in order to avoid data races.

These two factors provide a guideline for our concurrency approach. Now let’s shift our attention to channels, particularly unbuffered channels such as the one we’ve already used above. To reference The Go Programming Language book again: “A send operation on an unbuffered channel blocks the sending goroutine until another goroutine executes a corresponding receive on the same channel, at which point the value is transmitted and both goroutines may continue. Conversely, if the receive operation was attempted first, the receiving goroutine is blocked until another goroutine performs a send on the same channel”.

This is exactly what we need, a means of blocking the readers accessing a Future’s internal variables until the write has been completed. Better yet, we don’t even need to send any value to the channel in our case, we can simply close the channel and all currently blocked readers can proceed. Moreover, future readers don’t have to acquire a lock, since as already mentioned, receives from a closed channel get the zero value. With all these mind, the code can then be simplified into the following. Note that we are reusing the f.completed channel and the setItem helper method is no longer required:

type Future struct {
   item      interface{}
   err       error
   completed chan struct{}

func (f *Future) GetResult() (interface{}, error) {
   return f.item, f.err

func (f *Future) listenForResult(ch <-chan interface{}, timeout time.Duration) {
   t := time.NewTimer(timeout)
   select {
   case item := <-ch:
       f.item = item
   case <-t.C:
       f.err = errTimeout

Just to assuage any doubts I had, I used Go’s data-race detector to test out the channels version. As expected, it did not find any data-races. I also benchmarked the locking+waitgroup version versus the channels version; both had similar performance but the former was slightly faster by a couple of nanoseconds. And that’s it! If you’ve enjoyed this post, do check out Go101’s in depth post on all the other interesting ways you can use channels in Go. Cheers!