Golang Custom Loggers: using Postgres and Leveldb

  ·   19 min read

Golang’s standard library provides the handy log package which suffices for most simple logging cases. Usually, the logs are output to the standard streams (stdout or stderr). From there, they can be redirected as needed. Alternatively, the log outputs can also be written directly to a file.

Still, I was curious as to what it would take to use a relational database (like Postgres) as a destination for the log outputs while sticking to the log API. Therefore when reading this post, please do take it as more of exploratory/casual rather than didactic or some sort of sagely best-practices.

Overview of the log Package #

The log package gives us two options: we can either create our own logger manually, or we can use its default standard logger. We’ll opt to create our own logger assuming that different parts of the program will require their own specialized/leveled logger (e.g. for logging errors only or for logging informational messages only). Furthermore, everything we do with a customized logger can be extended to work with the default logger provided.

Creating a logger #

Using log.New, we can create our own custom loggers. log.New has the following signature:

func New(out io.Writer, prefix string, flag int) *Logger

Let’s start with the out parameter. The key thing to note, is that the argument doesn’t necessarily have to be a file or one of the standard streams such as os.Stdout- all it has to be, or rather do, is implement the io.Writer interface. Here is the io.Writer interface:

type Writer interface {
    Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)

This does give us a lot of freedom. For my use case, I’m implementing an interface that sort of ‘redirects’ all log outputs to postgres.

The next parameter in the log.New function is the prefix parameter. This gives us a basic way to create leveled logging, that is, different loggers can use different prefixes to set themselves apart.

Finally, we have the flag parameter which adds additional prefixes to the log output. These additional prefixes can contain the date and/or the time the log was created plus (if required) the associated filename and/or filepath from which the log was generated. In order to set the flag correctly, we have to use the constants that the package provides us.

Parsing and structuring the log output (preliminaries) #

With all the flags that give maximum information in the prefix set (Ldate | Ltime | Lmicroseconds | Llongfile), plus adding the prefix ‘ERROR’, the log ouput has the following format:

ERROR 2009/01/23 01:23:23.123123 /a/b/c/d.go:23: some error message

This could be dumped as is directly to postgres using the ’text’ data type for storage. However, since I’m going through all these hassle to use Postgres, I might as well take full advantage of it and enforce a structure for the log output.

In order to do so, the first step is parsing the log string. This looks like a job for the almighty regex.

We can already see the fields that we want to extract, such as the date, the prefix, the associated file, and most importantly, the actual log message.

I’m more comfortable using javascript for regex stuff so that’s where I tinkered for a while before settling on the pattern to use. Note that, since a user can set their own flags, (e.g. getting rid of the filepath when logging http requests since its irrelevant), this has to be taken into account by making the related patterns optional:

const parseLog = (() => {
  const r =
  return (logStr) => {
    let match = r.exec(logStr);
    return match
      ? {
        prefix: match[1],
        date: match[2] && match[2].trim(),
        time: match[3] && match[3].trim(),
        file: match[5] && match[5].trim(),
        payload: match[6],
      : null;

parseLog closes over the ‘r’ pattern since I didn’t want the pattern to be recompiled every time the function is called - though this might very much be unnecessary, I probably should check the relevant MDN docs on this later on.

The regex can be broken down as follows:

  1. /^: the beginning, standard stuff

  2. (\w+)\s+: matches the prefix which is expected to be alphanumeric characters only plus a bit of space. When we go back to Golang, we must find a way to enforce this, for example, when creating the logger

  3. (\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}\s)?: this matches the date portion of the log output plus a bit of space. However, the date can be omitted therefore the match is made optional.

  4. (\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(.\d+)?\s)?: matches the time portion, the microseconds may or may not be provided. As with the date, we must also take into account that the time can be ommitted

  5. (.*.go:\d+:\s)?: matches the file part. From golang’s documentation of the log output, we know that regardless of whether the full path or just the file name is provided, a colon is appended at the end. I’m also assuming that all files have the ‘.go’ extension. This is a ‘known unknown’. There are probably some ‘unknown unknown’ assumptions that I’m making in this regex pattern that might result in errors later on, but for now, these assumptions remain in the realm of the unknown unknowns.

  6. ([^]*): Finally, this match is used to capture the actual payload of the log output. It’s supposed to match every character including a newline character.

Using parseLog with the sample log output provided earlier, we get:

    prefix: 'ERROR',
    date: '2009/01/23',
    time: '01:23:23.123123',
    file: '/a/b/c/d.go:23:',
    payload: 'some error message' 

Satisfied with the javascript parseLog as it is for now, the next step was to translate it to Go. This was a bit tricky for me since up to that point, I’d never used regular expressions in Go so I had to spend some time working through Go’s regex package.

Parsing and structuring the log outputs (Golang implementation) #

I usually find myself front-loading a lot of the key design decisions when using Go, which is great to some extent (most of the times) since I’m still going to have to think about and formalize such matters at some point either way. But sometimes it leads to premature over-abstraction. In javascript though, I often find myself freestyling until I arrive at what I want; it’s only by forcing myself lately to use TDD that I’ve started front-loading design decisions in js too.

Back to logging: I’ve opted to sort of encapsulate the regex pattern into a struct with its own type to allow for coupling associated methods (such as parseLog) and also allow for different regexes to be used depending on the logger: again a hunch tells me this might be over-abstraction…

We’ll have a type ’logParser’ which will encapsulate the regex pattern as so:

type logParser struct {
    logRegexMatch *regexp.Regexp

Therefore, we’ll have to supply some means for initialzing logParser with the default regex pattern. I used the back-ticks since when using the usual double quotes for strings, I have to escape all the backslashes in the regex pattern which is cumbersome and adds unnecessary noise. I’ve also used MustCompile since it’s more terse and I am not dealing with a dynamic pattern. Lastly, in order to capture the payload, I’ve changed the pattern from ([^]*) to ([\w\W]\*) since the former throws an error in Go for some reason:

func newLogParser() *logParser {
    return &logParser{
        logRegexMatch: regexp.MustCompile(`^(\w+)\s+(\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2}\s)?(\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(\.\d+)?\s)?(.*\.go:\d+:\s)?([\w\W]*)`),

Separately, there’s also a type that captures parsed logs:

type parsedLog struct {
    Prefix  string
    LogTime time.Time
    File    string
    Payload string

Back to logParser, the following method for parsing the logs is added:

func (lp *logParser) parseLog(str string) (*parsedLog, error) {
    var err error = nil
    var pl *parsedLog

    matches := lp.logRegexMatch.FindStringSubmatch(str)
    if matches != nil {
        var logTime time.Time
        logTime, err = parseLogTime(matches[2], matches[3])
        pl = &parsedLog{
            Prefix:  matches[1],
            LogTime: logTime,
            File:    strings.TrimSpace(matches[5]),
            Payload: matches[6],
    } else {
        err = ErrInvalidLog

    if err != nil {
        return nil, ErrInvalidLog
    return pl, nil

Since I opted to store the date and time into a time.Time variable rather than a string variable, I have to convert them. Hence the parseLogTime function. It gives us a bit of flexibility but postgres is already great at parsing date and time strings into timestamp so this might be unnecessary work on the application’s part.

Without further ado, here’s the parseLogTime function. Note that the extra space that logger adds after the date and time values has to be accounted for; in javascript land, I used trim to get rid of such space characters. Alternatively, I could have used extra groups to match out just the date and time portions without space in the regex but I opted for otherwise since it made the regex much harder to inspect by eye.

func parseLogTime(dateVal, timeVal string) (time.Time, error) {
    now := time.Now()
    var t time.Time
    var err error = nil
    if dateVal == "" && timeVal == "" {
        // No date val. No time val
        return now, nil
    } else if dateVal == "" {
        // Only time val provided"
        y, m, d := now.Date()
        dtValStr := fmt.Sprintf("%v/%02d/%02d %s", y, m, d, timeVal)
        t, err = time.Parse("2006/01/02 15:04:05.999999 ", dtValStr)
    } else if timeVal == "" {
        // Only date val provided"
        t, err = time.Parse("2006/01/02 ", dateVal)
    } else {
        // Both date val and time val provided
        dtValStr := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", dateVal, timeVal)
        t, err = time.Parse("2006/01/02 15:04:05.999999 ", dtValStr)

    return t, err

Back in logParser, there’s also the ErrInvalidLog error just in case something goes wrong and feedback is required:

//ErrInvalidLog ..
var ErrInvalidLog = errors.New("Invalid Log. Unable to Parse")

So far, all the types and methods have been private since, if this is to be repackaged into a reusable package, the user shouldn’t have to care about the how the log is parsed, all they’d require is a logger equivalent to what Go’s standard library provides.

Setting up Postgres #

Before going any further, since the ultimate goal is to store the logs in Postgres, it’s best to think about how the tables should be designed.

Courtesy of how parseLogTime is structured, there will always be a LogTime regardless of whether the user adds the date/time flags- the rest of the values though might be omitted. With that in mind, the log table probably needs a primary key. At first, I thought of using the LogTime value as the primary key for each entry, since I’ll also get indexing for free which will come in handy when querying the logs. However, even if it’s highly improbable, it’s still quite possible that two different logs might end up having the same log time and one of them will have to be discarded (due to the uniqueness constraint for primary keys). Another alternative is to use a synthetic key (e.g. an incrementing integer) in combination, or even in leau of the timestamp. But, I opted to forgo having a primary key altogether until such a need arose - e.g. if I need to use some column in the table as a foreign key.

Another aspect that needs to be considered is which type to use for the LogTime value. Postgres provides two types for timestamps, ’timestamp’ and ’timestamptz’. With ’timestamp’, it simply takes the log time as it is and store it. While choosing one or the other, I have to take into consideration the fact that our application and the postgres server might be running in two different timezones, or even simply that postgres is configured to a different timezone. For the time being, I went with timestamp, and just as with the primary key, I’ll consider timestamptz when the need arises.

All in all, the table definition ends up being as follows:

create table log(
    prefix varchar(15),
    log_time timestamp,
    file text,
    payload text

With logs, the two common kinds of queries over the table we can expect are range queries on the log_time column and full-text search over the text, or even simple text search. As such, I should probably add the necessary indices but I’ll postpone it for now.

Writing logs to postgres #

Back in the Go application, the logger and postgres need to be ‘glued’ together.

I’ll offload the labor of setting up a connection to Postgres to the logger user rather than setting it up within the logger constructor. This adds a lot of flexibility. It also allows the same *sql.DB instance to be reused across the application.

The customOutPG struct type will be used to encapsulate the postgres db instance. As the name suggests, customOutPG will implement the io.Writer interface so that it can subsequently be used within a logger instance. customOut also encapsulates a logParser instance for parsing logs before insertion into postgres.

type customOutPG struct {
    db         *sql.DB
    insertStmt string
    lp         *logParser

The following function is then used to create instances of the logger:

//NewCustomLoggerPG ...
func NewCustomLoggerPG(prefix string, flag int, db *sql.DB) (*log.Logger, error) {
    //ensure prefix is of solely alphanumeric characters
    match, err := regexp.MatchString("^\\w+$", prefix)
    if err != nil || match == false {
        return nil, ErrInvalidPrefix
    cOut := newcustomOutPG(db)
    return log.New(cOut, prefix+"\t", flag), nil


func newcustomOutPG(db *sql.DB) *customOutPG {
    return &customOutPG{
        db:         db,
        insertStmt: "insert into log(prefix, log_time, file, payload) values ($1, $2, $3, $4)",
        lp:         newLogParser(),

The prefix is constrained to alphanumeric characters only (no spaces, tabs or special characters and symbols). This is because the regex in parseLog already assumes so and if this check were to be left out, it would result in certain errors and malformed outputs depending on the prefix.

An additional ErrInvalidPrefix is included to make it clear to the caller of the function:

var ErrInvalidPrefix = errors.New("Invalid Prefix")

Finally, the pièce de résistance, the last piece of the puzzle: implementing the io.Writer interface in customOutPG:

func (c *customOutPG) Write(log []byte) (int, error) {
    pl, err := c.lp.parseLog(string(log))
    if err != nil {
        return -1, err
    _, err = c.db.Exec(c.insertStmt, pl.Prefix, pl.LogTime, pl.File, pl.Payload)

    return len(log), err

Voila! cOut can now be passed directly to log.New with confidence. Keep in mind though, c.db.Exec is ran, I probably do need to do something more intelligent when an error is returned, but for now, that budden rests with the module user.

Querying logs #

The whole point of storing the logs in Postgres should be the query flexibility and endless options we get out of the box. listen/notify plus triggers and other ‘stuff’ could be used to set up a poor man’s monitoring system e.g. if an ‘fatal’-prefixed log is made. As mentioned earlier, full text indexing could be added on the payload, bring us into Elasticsearch territory. But, for now, I’ll settle for simply querying all the log outputs that occured in the last 24 hours:

select prefix, log_time, file, payload 
from log 
where log_time >= now() - '1 day'::interval

Declaring and using intervals in postgres sql is so expressive that it’s quite easy to modify the above query to instead retrieve the logs from the past 1 week:

select prefix, log_time, file, payload 
from log 
where log_time >= now() - '1 week'::interval

Another advantage of using intervals rather than handrolling our own calculations is that, under the hood, postgres takes care of a lot of edge cases that come with dealing with date/time data whenever we use intervals.

The prefix can also be used to retrieve only certain kinds of log messages, eg Errors:

select prefix, log_time, file, payload
from log
where log_time >= now() - '1 Week'::interval and prefix = 'ERROR'

The querying options are endless and if we need to incorporate some additional dimension of our logs, such as the process number, we simply add a new column to our table and use it in our queries.

Increasing write throughput #

This is where things start getting a little bit funky. And by funky, I mean take the methodologies fleshed out here with a grain of salt.

As it stands, any part of our application that uses the custom Logger has to wait for postgres to confirm the insertion. Under high load, this ropes in additional latency (particularly compared to simply logging to stdout or even to a file).

Now, so far, I’ve insisted on delaying optimizations and extensions (such as adding an index to the log_time column) until they are severely needed. This section thought sort of betrays any pragmatism I’ve claimed to hold. Still, I thought it might be a fun undertaking just for the sake of it.

The overall goal was to have workers that do the actual logging to the database, an unbounded concurrent queue and a flush operation which the application can call to ensure all pending logs have been inserted. Now, for the unbounded queue, it has its advantages, particularly high-througput but it also has it’s disadvantages in that slow consumers will lead to huge (undesirable) build-up. I also wanted to avoid using mutex or external modules for this so my only option for a concurrent queue with the features I required was to use Go’s channels.

Without further ado, here’s the code. newOutWrapperConc (I should get better at naming stuff), can wrap any io.Writer. The size of the ‘queue’, ie the buffer size of the channel and the number of workers are set using the ‘bufSize’ and ’logWorkers’ parameters respectively.

func newOutWrapperConc(out io.Writer, bufSize, logWorkers int) *customOutConc {
    logsCh := make(chan []byte, bufSize)

    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    for i := 0; i < logWorkers; i++ {
        go logWorker(out, logsCh, &wg)

    return &customOutConc{
        logsCh: logsCh,
        wg:     &wg,

As mentioned, there needs to be a ‘flush’ function. Before so, here’s the customOutConc which encapsulates the logsCh and wg sync.WaitGroup value which as we shall see, is used to ensure each worker is done before closing.

type customOutConc struct {
    logsCh chan []byte
    wg     *sync.WaitGroup

The workers are very simply, they receive logs from the logsCh and write it to the given io.Writer. When the channel is closed, they indicate via the wg sync.WaitGroup that they are done:

func logWorker(out io.Writer, logsCh <-chan []byte, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
    defer wg.Done()
    for log := range logsCh {

On the other hand, the flush/close function is closed to ensure that no more logging takes place (lest a panic occurs) and that workers complete any pending loggings. The flush/close function does this (ensuring all workers are done) by ‘waiting’ on the WaitGroup:

func (cc *customOutConc) Close() {

Finally, the ‘Write’ method is implemented so that the value itself can be supplied to a logger instance. When a log is written, it’s simply sent to the logsCh channel so that any of the workers can write it:

func (cc *customOutConc) Write(log []byte) (int, error) {
    cc.logsCh <- log
    return 0, nil

I did some benchmarks (using go test benchmark utility). They were not very rigorous. The concurrent logger was set to a buffered channel of size 50 and 4r log workers. When only one goroutine was generating logs, the concurrent logger was roughly 42% faster than the plain logger. When 10 goroutines were generating logs concurrently, the concurrent logger was 54% faster than the plain logger. There are rooms for improvement, for example chunking and inserting multiple logs in a single sql insert statement. But as it is, it’s really not worth the hussle any further.

On reviewing, this section, with all its messiness, I’m more convinced that the logging within the application should be decoupled entirely from the destination. Again, to reiterate, there are way better throughput optimizations and my approach above leaves a lot to be desired.

Using an embedded database instead (leveldb) #

For simple applications though, using Postgres for logging is a bit excessive. Even if both the application and Postgres are running on the same machine, Postgres still has to run as an entire server on a different process. Moreoever, if the Postgres instance fails or is shut down, or even the connection is messed up, the application, (with the logging code above so far), also fails along. A failover strategy such as redirecting to stdout or a file (or even a csv which will be easier to bulk insert into postgres later on) could be added. Or, an arguably better alternative, simply use an embedded database which runs in the same process as the application.

Let’s use an embedded database. Since we’re already using a relational database, the option that would require the least amount of modification is sqlite. Still, I wanted to try out something more fun, maybe to the tune of leveldb.

Like sqlite, leveldb is ’embeddable’. Unlike sqlite, leveldb is a key-value nosql database. Therefore, we don’t really need to parse and structure our log output, we could just dump it as it is into leveldb. However, we do need to think about which key to use. Such a key not only has to be unique, it also has to facilitate efficient querying of the log output. I decided to use a concatenation of both the log prefix and the timestamp as the key. Additionally, since the log output is already being parsed into a struct when working with Postgres, it might as well be stored as json:

type customOutLevelDB struct {
    db *leveldb.DB
    lp *logParser

func (c *customOutLevelDB) Write(log []byte) (int, error) {
    pl, err := c.lp.parseLog(string(log))
    if err != nil {
        return -1, err
    key := fmt.Sprintf("%s!%020d", pl.Prefix, pl.LogTime.Unix())
    plJSON, err := json.Marshal(pl)
    if err != nil {
        return -1, err
    err = c.db.Put([]byte(key), plJSON, nil)

    return len(log), err

I could (and should) also append a random value such as a short-id since two separte logs could potentially have the same prefix and timestamp but that’s let’s pretend that’ll never happen.

Note, that the timestamp value is padded. The great thing about relational databases is that they give us a lot of flexibility and options when it comes to querying as we have seen. Furthermore, their rich array of data types allow us to encode more aspects of our data. With key-value stores though, all we have to work with are keys, for which leveldb only sees as opaque byte arrays, regardless of what they encode. Since leveldb uses lexicographical order to sort the keys, we have to keep in mind some of the assumptions inherent in the key format used above. For one, it’s expected that querying will be limited to a select prefix. Secondly, given that lexicographic order is not the same as temporal or even numeric order, we might (and will) have situation where an earlier timestamp is ‘greater’ than a more recent timestamp when we do know that the opposite is true. For example, under lexicographic order, the following relation between the timestamps holds true:

"15" > "1479953943"

This is remedied by padding the timestamp. The prefixes should probably be padded too but I’ve yet to come up with an edge case that necessitates this. Compared to Sqlite, Leveldb is a fun but poor choice. As mentioned, key-value stores offer way less query flexibility compared to relational databases (via sql). Therefore, to regain some of that flexibility lost by moving from Postgres to Leveldb, a lot of application code has to be written. Furthermore, with the limited filtering options provided by key-value stores, the application probably has to read more data than is required.

And that’s it! PS, all the code is here. I’ve also included a simple CLI that uses the custom logger, e.g. retrieving logs from db, clearing logs etc.