Speeding up unique constraint checks in PostgreSQL... or not

  ·   4 min read

Using hash indexes over Btree indexes for equality lookups should be faster: O(1) vs O(log n). And as expected, various benchmarks confirm this. However, when it comes to enforcing uniqueness for a given column, hash indexes don’t perform quite as well.

Here’s the standard way of adding a uniqueness constraint to a column:

create table item(
    id int unique,
    name text

On my computer, it takes 5.563 seconds to insert a million sequentially ordered IDs. It takes 7.533 seconds to add a million randomly ordered IDs. Without any constraint on the id column, it takes roughly 2 seconds to insert a million items regardless of whether they are ordered sequentially or randomly.

Postgres provides another round-about way of adding a uniqueness constraint to a column - exclusion constraints. Postgres' documentation defines exclusion constraints as follows:

Exclusion constraints ensure that if any two rows are compared on the specified columns or expressions using the specified operators, at least one of these operator comparisons will return false or null.

For our case, enforcing uniqueness, the above statement could be restated in this way: Suppose we only consider a single column and provide one operator for the exclusion constraint (such as the equals operator ‘=’ for uniqueness). Then, when inserting or updating a row, the comparison with all other pre-existing rows should result in false, (or null since sql has three-valued logic). Otherwise, it will be excluded.

This is easier demonstrated with actual sql:

create table item(
    id int,
    name text,
    exclude (id with =)

Better yet, Postgres allows us to speed up the exclusion check using an index as follows:

create table item(
    id int,
    name text,
    exclude using hash (id with =)

Now, when using a unique constraint, Postgres’ documentation states that it “will automatically create a unique B-tree index on the column or group of columns listed in the constraint”. Given that the exclusion constraint above is using hash index, I expected it to be faster. However, inserting a million sequential ID’s took 9.192 seconds, which is almost twice as slow as relying on the plain old unique constraint. Inserting randomly ordered IDs took 8.443 seconds.

At first, I presumed it has something to do with the way the underlying hash indexes are structured, but even when using btree, it took roughly the same amount of time as the hash index exclusion constraint. The btree though was way much slower when inserting randomly ordered IDs, taking 12.058 seconds. My current presumption is that Postgres developers have put a lot of work into optimizing the standard unique constraint, since it’s expected that the users will opt for it over exclusion constraints, which are better left for more interesting stuff, like overlapping intervals.

Other than being slower, by relying on exclusion constraints to enforce uniqueness, we also lose the ability to have the column be referenced by foreign keys in other tables. This is because in Postgres, only unique columns and primary key columns can be referenced. For example, the second table definition below fails:

create table item(
    id int,
    name text,
    constraint unique_book_id_hash exclude using hash (id with =)

create table orders(
    id int,
    item_id int references item(id) -- ❌

String keys #

So far though, if you’ve noticed, I’ve been using integers. Before making any further conclusions and dismissing hash indexes entirely, it’s only fair that they’re measured up in the one area where they excel quite well, comparing lengthy strings. And as expected, they do truly shine here. I began with UUID’s since I didn’t have to write an extra function for generating random strings. With plain old unique, it takes 32.96 seconds to insert a million UUIDs. It gets worse when inserting the next million UUIDS, 50.557 seconds. On the other hand, when using the hash-index based exclusion check, it takes 12.537 seconds to insert the first set of a million UUIDs, 12.764 to insert the next set and finally 16.24 seconds to insert the third set - quite impressive. I’ll be sure to try comparing both with random strings of different lengths but I expect similar results. And yeah, that’s definitely one way to speed up uniqueness constraint checks if the column’s type is a string, rather than an integer and it won’t be referenced elsewhere in the database.

Addendum #

After writing up this post, I searched online to check how others are using this method and what issues they’ve come across. Here’s one important consideration I came across to keep in mind. It’s from the discussion ‘Postgres hash index with unique constraint’ on StackOverflow (link). Using exclusion constraints to enforce uniqueness does not work with upserts (i.e. insert … on conflict do action) since, to quote the user jbg: “there could be multiple rows that conflicted when using an exclusion constraint (even though in this specific case it would always be one row), in which case it wouldn’t be clear which conflicting row should be updated”.

References #

  1. Postgres documentation, Constraints
  2. Hash indexes are faster than Btree indexes?
  3. Postgres hash index with unique constraint