Offline (but Faster and more Accurate) Classification of Hot and Cold Data

  ·   5 min read

Hekaton is Microsoft’s SQL Server’s take on in-memory databases systems. With Hekaton, tables can be declared as memory-resident. These tables are implemented and indexed using memory-optimized lock-free data-structures. They can also be queried and updated the same way as ‘regular’ tables in SQL Server [1].

Project Siberia, launched by the same team, then builds up on Hekaton by allowing for cold-records within a memory-optimized table to be moved to a cold store while hot records are kept in memory:

We are investigating techniques to automatically migrate cold rows to a “cold store” residing on external storage while the hot rows remain in the in-memory “hot store”. The separation into two stores is only visible to the storage engine; the upper layers of the engine (and applications) are entirely unaware of where a row is stored. The goal of our project, called Project Siberia, is to enable the Hekaton engine to automatically and transparently maintain cold data on cheaper secondary storage.

The same idea of physically separating a logical data structure into a ‘hot-store’ (memory-optimized) vs a ‘cold-store’ (disk/SSD optimized) and migrating records back and forth is explored in a recent paper ‘Two is Better Than One: The Case for 2-Tree for Skewed Data Sets’ by Xinjing Zhou et al. We’ll cover this paper in a future post. What I would suggest is that after getting familiarized the 2-Tree approach, it’s worth revisiting the Project Siberia papers for two reasons:

  1. The 2-Tree paper does not address concurrency-control and transactional migrations leaving it up for future work. Luckily, Project Siberia details how accesses (reads, writes, updates, deletes) and live migrations (hot to cold, cold to hot) can be carried out transactionally across both stores in a unified manner all while allowing for concurrent transactions (queries). Though tailor-made for Hekaton’s internals, Project Siberia’s approach is worth checking out.
  2. Project Siberia also proposes and evaluates the use of access filters (bloom filters and range filters) to avoid unnecessary ’trips’ to the cold-store. Might be a decent low-effort high-reward addition to 2-Tree

For today, I’d like to focus on one specific component of Project Siberia - the method they use to classify hot data from cold which is described in the paper Identifying Hot and Cold Data in Main-Memory Databases authored by Justin Levandoski, Per-Åke Larson and Radu Stoica.

The main problem the paper addresses is the overhead of online cache maintenance both CPU-wise and memory-wise. In the Anti-Caching overview post, we saw this overhead addressed by using only a sample of the accesses to update the LRU chain. In future posts, we’ll see other approaches that lower/coarsen the granularity from record level accesses to page level accesses and even use hardware support so as to minimize the cache maintenance overhead.

Back to Levandoski et al’s paper: what makes their approach unique is that it’s based on offline analysis rather than online caching (LRU, LFU, Second-chance etc):

  1. The system logs record accesses asynchronously off the critical path. A log entry consists of record ID plus time it was accessed. The logs can be sampled to reduce overhead.
  2. A classification algorithm based on exponential smoothing is used to estimate the future frequency of access for each record based on the logs. The top K records with the highest estimated access frequency form the hot set while the rest will be part of the cold set.
  3. This result is relayed back to the DBMS which migrates cold records to the cold store (disk/SSD) while keeping the hot records in memory
  4. This is carried out periodically (e.g. every hour or so) depending on how frequent the hot set changes.

The authors provide the following advantages of offline analysis:

  1. Minimal runtime overhead compared to online counterparts
  2. Requires minimal modification within the database internals. Only key change to make is adding the code for logging. Record migration can be carried out using transactions.
  3. Flexibility: offline analysis can be carried out within the same process, in a different process or even in a different node altogether. The core estimation algorithm can be sped up via parallelization.
  4. Sampling & accuracy: in most cases (if not all), with only 10% of the logs, the estimation algorithm reduces its accuracy by 2.5%. So you can drop 90% of the logs

As already mentioned, the algorithm they deploy is based on exponential smoothing. This is a technique used in time-series analysis for short-term forecasting whereby newer observations are given more weight than earlier observations. The algorithm itself is quite simple:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from collections import defaultdict

class Entry:
    prev_timestamp: int = 0
    estimate: float = 0.0

def forward_classification(logs, k, alpha=0.05):
    estimates = defaultdict(lambda: Entry())
    for timestamp, record_id in logs:
        entry = estimates[record_id]

        # estimate at the time slice when the record was last observed
        prev_estimate = entry.estimate
        prev_timestamp = entry.prev_timestamp

        # update new estimate
        entry.estimate = alpha + prev_estimate * (
            (1 - alpha) ** (timestamp - prev_timestamp)

        # update entry's last observed timestamp
        entry.prev_timestamp = timestamp

    record_ids = list(estimates.keys())
    record_ids.sort(key=lambda r: estimates[r].estimate, reverse=True)
    return record_ids[:k], record_ids[k:]

# usage
hot_set, cold_set = forward_classification(logs, k)

The alpha parameter is the “decay factor that determines the weight given to new observations and how quickly to decay old estimates. α is typically set in the range 0.01 to 0.05 – higher values give more weight to newer observations” [2]. The timestamps need to be normalized such that the ‘begin’ timestamp for the period when a new batch of logging is set to 0. The authors then introduce a backward variant of the above algorithm (starts from the newest log back to the oldest) which ends up being faster and having a lower space overhead. Furthermore, they show how both variants can be parallelized all while providing better accuracy than online caching.

Part of why I covered this paper is that the same offline analysis procedure is utilized in a different paper, “Enabling Efficient OS paging for main-memory OLTP databases” by Radu Stoica et al, whereby we’ve got VoltDB (the same system used by the Anti-caching folks) but with a whole different hot/cold approach for larger-than-memory workloads. Here’s the post where I go over Radu Stoica and co’s approach

References #

  1. Trekking Through Siberia: Managing Cold Data in a Memory-Optimized Database - Ahmed Eldawy, Justin Levandoski, Per-Åke Larson
  2. Identifying Hot and Cold Data in Main-Memory Databases - Justin J. Levandoski, Per-Åke Larson, Radu Stoica