Handling Bank Transactions, V1

  ·   14 min read

The following is a not-so-brief overview of my solution to the Transactions at the bank coding challenge. The challenge entails a rewriting a bank’s API for handling money transfer between accounts. This is the first version of my solution which works under the assumption that the database design provided in the prompt should remain as is. The full code is in this repository.

Setting up the database #

I’ll be using Postgres for the database. The prompt provides a scaffolding for the table designs. Fleshing it out into actual SQL, we have:

create table balances (
    account_nr serial primary key,
    balance numeric(12,2)

create table transactions(
    reference serial primary key,
    amount numeric(12,2),
    account int references balances not null

Additional constraints, such as on the minimum balance allowed, could (and should) be added, but again (as stated above) I’m working with the assumption that the database layer is off-limits for the API rewrite. However, I did add the not null constraint on the transactions.acccount column since a transaction record without an associated account does not make sense

Just to have some data to play around with, I inserted a couple of accounts as follows:

insert into balances(balance)
values (100),(100),(100);

The next step is setting up the connection from node.js to postgres. The node-postgres/pg library is perfect client library for this, since it’s very minimal but also flexible given that it supports both callbacks and async/await. I followed the project structure that the node-postgres documentation suggests here by having a central file for connection and configuration

Since I intended to use async/await style through out the rest of the program, it sufficed to export data-access functions that returned promises. query isn’t used at all so far but it doesn’t hurt to have it there. getClient though is key - each bank transfer transaction requires its own client instance and due to the way postgres handles transactions, using a connection pool will not work.

// src/lib/db/index.js
const query = (text, params) => pool.query(text, params);

const getClient = () => pool.connect();

module.exports = {

Worth noting is that the pg library explicitly avoids type-conversions in cases where even slight innacuracies may be introduced, instead returning the values as strings. Such is the case with the numeric datatype which is used to store account balances in the balances table.

The pg library though provides an interface through which we can define our own data-type conversions. Since the program is going to be checking whether a sender’s balance is above a certain threshold before approving the transfer, type conversion for numeric values is added:

// src/lib/db/index.js
//parse numeric(12,2) from db to js floats
types.setTypeParser(1700, (val) => parseFloat(val));

For further details as to how and why the data-type conversion is set as so, do read through the node-pg-types documentation here

Finally, also checked in all the sql files (under the db/sql/ directory) relevant to the database. This serves two purposes: one, to enable other programmers to recreate the database layer; two, for quick documentation. Using them for documentation though without keeping the files up to date can lead to innacuracies whereby a change is made to the db (e.g. adding a collumn to a table), but that is not reflected in the sql files.

Overview: The SQL bank transfer procedure #

File and directory organization is by ‘business component’ rather than technical role, as per the following best practice: ‘Structure your solution by components’. Therefore all the files related to carrying out the transfer are in the src/api/transfer/ directory. As usual, index.js provides the starting point for grokking through the rest of the directory.

Let’s start with the function that interfaces directly with the database: insertTransfer. It’s located in the transferDAL.js file. insertTransfer handles all the bank transfer ‘sql stuff’. From a caller’s perspective, it takes in the transfer details consisting of from, to and amount details, and returns either the transaction payload if successful, or throws an error.

In future, insertTransfer should only handle transfer sql stuff and leave the construction of the transfer result payload to some other function particularly when the payload starts being more complex, nested and involving queries tangential to the actual money transfer.

As for the errors, we’ll talk more about how they are structured later on but for now, there are two kinds of errors that insertTransfer can throw: pre-defined bank customer errors (eg those arising from the user’s input) and non-user errors (such as the database connection failing for some reason mid-transaction).

And now, for the actual code. Let’s start with the insertTransfer signature:

// src/api/transfer/transferDAL.js
//either resolves to id of transfer if successful or errors out
const insertTransfer = ({ from, to, amount }) => async (client) => {
  // ... function body

The function is kind of curried. First, the object containing the transfer details(from, to & amount) is fixed and an async function expecting the client (via which it sends the sql commands) is then returned.

Let’s see why. The first version of this function was responsible for both creating an instance of the db client , releasing it, watching out for any errors arising, on top of all the ‘sql bank transfer stuff’. As such, it was quite tangled given that it was taking on multiple concerns. Therefore, on rewrite, the intention was to have insertTransfer be limited to the ‘sql transfer stuff’ and have some other part of the program manage the client instance including any client related errors arising.

If you check out the file transferController.js, here’s the line where insertTransfer is invoked:

// src/api/transfer/transferController.js

The transfer details are fixed and then checkDBClientErrs is responsible for invoking the function that is returned. And from it’s name, checkDBClientErrs handles the errors leaving insertTransfer to be concerned solely with the sql stuff.

In fact, let’s go to checkDBClientErrs - it’s short enough that the entire code can be included:

// src/api/transfer/transferController.js
const checkDBClientErrs = (runSQL) => (client) =>
  new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    client.on("error", reject);
      .finally(() => client.release());

As you can see, checkDBClientErrs too is curried. This isn’t as necessary as in the case of insertTransfer but it’s convenient for time being. The first argument then ends up being the function returned from insertTransfer and later on, the client argument is fixed. Right now it might seem jambled but, spoiler alert, when we get to the handleTransfer function that pipes every async thing together, hopefully it will all make sense.

On checkDBClientErrs, it could set up the client instance by itself and in future rewrites, I might end up having it as so. But for now, I intended for it to have one task and that is to watch out for errors arising from the client instance. Well, it does have another task which is to release the client regardless of whether runSQL throws an error or is successful - I haven’t yet come up with a way of delegating this elsewhere.

Another benefit for currying insertTransfer in the way I did is that, when checkDBClientErrs invokes it, checkDBClientErrs doesn’t have to care about which arguments are passed to runSQL beyond a client instance. Therefore, checkDBClientErrs can potentially be reused with other runSQL functions that encapsulate SQL transactions.

checkDBClientErrs returns a promise- again, this will make sense once we get to the function that brings in everything together, handleTransfer.

Details: The SQL bank transfer procedure #

Now, back to insertTransfer. The transaction isolation level used is read committed. Even though this is the default in Postgres, it’s made explicit to make the intentions and assumptions regarding the entire procedure much clearer to whoever reads the code.

From a glance, insertTransfer checks whether the sender’s balance is sufficient; it then deducts the amount from their account and adds to the receiver’s account. Finally, it records the transaction by inserting into the transactions table.

With regards to concurrency issues, while a lock is used on the sender’s row (for reasons explained below), I don’t think the receiver’s row needs to be locked explicitly through out the entirety of the transaction. As per the postgres documentation, the guarantees the read committed isolation level provides ensure that updates to the selected rows only use the ’latest’ committed balance values and during the updates - other similar concurrent updates have to wait for our transaction to either commit and rollback.

For the lock used; Unless absolutely necessary, such as in this case, I’m not a big fan of using locks in postgres. I find them more complex and I always have that nagging feeling that I’ve made some subtle concurrency error somewhere. That being said, I’ve used one in insertTransfer, half-heartedly. This is so that errors arising from an invalid sender id can be distinguished from errors arising from an insufficient balance. If it were up to me, I’d push such a check to the database level (using a plpgsql function) but as stated in the introduction, I’m working under the assumption that modifications to database layer are not allowed as part of the API rewrite. A better solution though is to assume that some other part of the application (eg the user authorization middleware) will ensure that the sender’s id is valid and once that’s in place, the select … for update query can be removed.

Debouncing transfer calls #

One of the requirements is that to put checks in place for whenever customers tap on the “pay/transfer” button more than once by accident. A quick solution I opted for is to use debouncing. I got the idea from front-end development whereby debouncing logic is used to prevent an event-handler such as those listening for scroll movements from being called too many times within a narrow time-frame thus leading to performance issues.

Before getting into how the debouncing is implemented, it’s worth pointing out that I don’t think this is the right place to have the debouncing logic. If anything, with having it at the API route handler, it’s more of a throttle. However, given the scope of the exercise, I included it here for the sake of completeness.

In my opinion, debouncing transfer requests should be handled at two levels, the database level and the UI level. First, debouncing ought to be handled also at the UI level. The UI should make it explicit to a user that they are attempting to send in the same transfer multiple times. From there, the database model should be designed such that a transfer is separated further into two parts: the transfer request and the transfer confirmation. Regardless of how many transfer requests are sent in, e.g. from the user mistakenly doing so, a user can only confirm one transfer request at a time. The rest of the unconfirmed requests are then timed out and the user has to do a separate transfer request, if they really were being deliberate to begin with. Additionally, confirming a transfer request is made idempotent in that a user can confirm the same request multiple times but it’s only processed once. This is the approach I use in my second version of the solution where I assume I can also rewrite the database models for the bank. On second thought though, after implementing debouncing at the db level here it seemed to me as an over-use, resulting in less extensibility and requiring more complicated database models and procedures. The best of both worlds seems to be placing the logic for debouncing in the application and the state in a separate cache such as redis.

Now, for the implementation. You can find it in the file src/api/transfer/transferUtils.js. The debouncing mainly relies on a specialized cache. This cache should supply a procedure checkSert, which atomically checks whether a key is present and if not, inserts the key with the given expiry time. The underlying cache can be anything, even redis. But for the time being, the standard library’s Set data structure is used.

When a transfer comes in, it’s hashed and the hash is checkSerted. If it passes the check, then it’s assumed that a previous equivalent transfer has just been sent in in let’s say the past 5 seconds. Therefore this transfer is debounced and the user is informed of the same. Since the transfer request payload isn’t too large, for now, the hashing function getTXKey simply appends the strings.

Overall, we end up with the following. Note that the checkSert method should be asynchronous/ return a promise both for performance reasons and since it’ll be composed with other asynchronous functions:

const getTxKey = ({ from, to, amount }) => `${from}!${to}!${amount}`;

const debounceTx = ((cache) => (transferDetails = {}) => {
  const txKey = getTxKey(transferDetails);
  const expire = 5000;
  return cache.checkSert(txKey, expire).then(() => transferDetails);

Handling errors in handleTransfer #

On errors: there are two kinds of errors to handle, errors arising from user’s input; And what I can call ‘internal errors’ for example if the db connection fails mid-transaction or I made a coding mistake somewhere. As much as possible, I want to avoid exposing internal errors to users, one for security reasons and two, for users, such information is not helpful or actionable.

Since the scope of the coding challenge is limited to transfers, the only class of user errors that can arise are Transfer Errors such as having insufficient funds or trying to send money to a non-existent account. For transfer errors, the convention used is much closer to Golang style where errors are treated as constant values and therefore usually pre-instantiated. In this codebase, (the set of) all transfer errors are instantiated and detailed in the src/api/transfer/transferErrors.js file. From there, they are exported and functions such as insertTransfer can throw them when they encounter a particular customer error.

So as to distinguish them from ‘internal’ errors, they are marked instead as operational errors using the markAsOperationalError function. Since Error instances are objects, this function sets the isOperationalError property on them to true. Additionally, the isTransferErr is also set specifically on transfer errors to distinguish them from other operational errors. Therefore, error handlers can distinguish operational/expected/customer errors from internal/unexpected errors and handle them accordingly.

For example, in src/api/transfer/transferController.js, we have the function handleTransferErr which is as follows. It checks if the error arising during a transfer is a transfer error. If not, it throws the error and lets some other part of the codebase handle it accordingly. If so, it logs the error and constructs a payload for the customer to inform them of what went wrong in their transfer

const handleTransferErr = (err) => {
  if (!err.isTransferErr) throw err;
  logger.info({ transferError: err.transferErrCode });

  return Promise.resolve({ transferError: err.transferErrCode });

Bringing everything together: handleTransfer #

Finally, the raison d’être, handleTransfer.

I’ve already detailed checkDBClientErrs, insertTrasnfer, handleTransferErr and debounceTx. What handleTransfer does is compose all these functions together. In addition, it uses getClient to instantiate a client for the transaction and handleTxError to catch and swallow up any error arising through out the entire endeavour. The caller of the function should not have to worry about handling any non-internal error: they either get a payload object indicating the transfer is successful, or a payload object that indicates an error occured and which kind of error it was. The caller can then serialize the object into JSON and send it to the user. That’s all there is to it!

//excerpt of handleTransfer ...
((details) =>

Additional details #

  1. There is a validate function for transfer details that uses the hapi/joi library to ensure that the transfer details that clients send contains only the fields required. It’s implementation is in the transferDetailsValidator.js file and its sole usage is in the handleTransfer function.

  2. For security reasons, the transfer payload is limited to 200b, unless additional fields need to be included in the future, for now, this suffices. Furthermore, whenever, the standard express json parsing middleware encounters a json parsing error, it throws this error. Distinguishing this error from other internal errors is tricky and without doing so, clients end up getting a http 500 internal server error. The solution I’ve currently opted for is to wrap express.json into another middleware:

    const parseJSONMiddleware = (() => {
      const parseJSON = express.json({
        strict: true,
        limit: "200b",
      return (req, res, next) =>
        parseJSON(req, res, (err) => (err ? res.sendStatus(400) : next()));
  3. Rate limiting middleware is also used, for security reasons:

        windowMs: 10 * 60 * 1000, // 10 min
        max: 100,
        headers: false,
  4. Logging is centralized and ouput to the stdout from where it can be redirected to wherever needed. The pino module is used for logging and tracing via request-response trace IDs is incorporated. Further details on how this is implemented are laid out here.

  5. Running the app locally is straightforward. Simply clone the project, do a ‘yarn install’ to install the dependencies and finally run ‘yarn dev’. Remember to set the required environement variables before launching, they are pretty much self-explanatory:

    # .env
    # APP 