The following is an overview of the database layer for an API that facilates a subset of the business operations of a made-up bank. Right now, the bank’s services are limited: users make a one-time deposit of 1000 into an account when they open it and users can transfer money but only to other users within the same bank. Additionally, users can check their balance, last 5 transactions and full transactions history.
The three main tables underlying the database are: users, account and transfer_log. There is a one-to-many relationship from users to account, that is, users can have zero, one or more accounts with the bank. There is also a one-to-many relationship from account to transfer_log entries: each transfer log entry is associated with a sender’s account and the receiver’s account.
users table #
The users table is pretty standard and self-explanatory. I kind of prefer using the singular ‘user’ over ‘users’ but in postgres, ‘user’ is a reserved keyword.
create domain contact_entry_t as
varchar(50) not null check (value <> '' and value !~ '\s');
create table users(
user_id serial primary key,
email contact_entry_t unique,
firstname contact_entry_t,
lastname contact_entry_t,
password varchar(50) not null,
created_at timestamptz not null default now(),
updated_at timestamptz not null default now(),
last_login timestamptz not null default now()
account table #
The ‘account’ table is also quite basic and is as follows:
create table account(
account_id serial primary key,
user_id int not null,
balance numeric(12,2) not null default 0,
created_at timestamptz not null default now(),
updated_at timestamptz not null default now(),
is_active boolean not null default 't',
foreign key (user_id) references users(user_id)
on delete restrict on update restrict,
constraint balance_nonnegative check(
balance >= 0
One of the business rules of the bank is that account balances should not go below 0 and this is enforced via the constraint balance_nonnegative. An additional business rule is that there are no ‘dangling’ accounts, each account must be linked to a user. Therefore, the user_id is constrained to non-null values. Furthermore, the foreign-key constraint ensures that a users entry cannot be deleted as long as an account has been registered under its name and accounts can not be transfered from one user to another. Additionally, accounts themselves cannot be deleted, they can only be deactivated. This is enforced with the following trigger:
create or replace function trig_soft_account_delete_fn()
returns trigger
language 'plpgsql'
as $$
update account
set is_active= 'f' where account_id = old.account_id;
raise notice 'hard delete aborted: not allowed for account entries';
return null;
create trigger trig_soft_account_delete
before delete on account for each row
execute procedure trig_soft_account_delete_fn();
Lastly, deactivated accounts cannot send any money but they can receive money. This is implemented and enforced in the confirm_transfer function that’s detailed later on.
transfer_log table #
The transfer_log table stores all the transfers. Each transfer consists of an id, the sender’s account, the receiver’s account, the amount and the status of the transfer plus the time it was created and time it was updated.
The transfer id’s are uuids. Since they only have to be random, uuid_generate_v4() is used instead of uuid_generate_v1(). But first, the uuid extension is enabled:
create extension if not exists "uuid-ossp";
The type used to store the transfer state are enums, which is created as follows:
create type transfer_status_t as enum
('pending', 'cancelled', 'timeout', 'error', 'confirmed');
Now for the table definition. Not that the from_account can have a null value. This is so as to accomodate the initial ‘deposit’ of 1000 whenever an account is created. However, it is definitely an anti-pattern and a future redesign should be able to accomodate deposits and withdrawal entries without having to resort to null values.
create table transfer_log(
transfer_log_id uuid primary key default uuid_generate_v4(),
from_account int references account,
to_account int references account not null,
amount numeric(12,2) check(amount > 0),
transfer_status transfer_status_t not null default 'pending',
created_at timestamptz not null default now(),
updated_at timestamptz not null default now(),
constraint transfer_self_send check(
from_account <> to_account
When inserted, transfer’s must begin from a pending state. Under this state, modifications on the receipient and amount are allowed. However, the sender cannot be changed. When a transfer is either confirmed, cancelled, errored out or timed out, its respective state is changed. This state change is one-way and once it occurs, further modifications on the row are disabled. In order to accomdate deposits, an additional condition whereby the from_account is null is included. Lastly, transfer_log entries cannot be deleted. All these rules are enforced with the following trigger and procedure:
create function trig_validate_transfer_log_fn()
returns trigger
language 'plpgsql'
as $$
if tg_op = 'INSERT' and new.transfer_status = 'pending' then
return new;
end if;
if tg_op = 'UPDATE'
and old.transfer_status = 'pending'
and old.from_account = new.from_account then
new.updated_at = now();
return new;
end if;
if tg_op = 'UPDATE'
and old.transfer_status = 'pending'
and old.from_account is null and new.from_account is null then
return new;
end if;
raise exception 'invalid operation on transfer_log entry';
return null;
create trigger trig_validate_transfer_log
before insert or update or delete on transfer_log for each row
execute procedure trig_validate_transfer_log_fn();
It was mentioned that on creation, a 1000 is deposited to each account. This is really for test-purposes since we need each account to at least have some money for transfers here and there. This is achieved via the following post-trigger. On second thought though, it should have just been a direct procedure which the application can invoke:
create or replace function trig_account_creation_bonus_fn()
returns trigger
language 'plpgsql'
as $$
bonus_amount constant int := 1000;
bonus_transfer_id uuid;
with bonus as (
insert into transfer_log(to_account, amount) values (new.account_id, bonus_amount)
returning transfer_log_id
select transfer_log_id into bonus_transfer_id from bonus;
update transfer_log set transfer_status = 'confirmed'
where transfer_log_id = bonus_transfer_id;
update account set balance = balance + bonus_amount
where account_id = new.account_id;
return new;
create trigger trig_account_creation_bonus
after insert on account for each row
execute procedure trig_account_creation_bonus_fn();
handling transfers #
Finally, the heart of the application, handling actual transfers. Transfers consist of two stages: the request/pending stage and the finalization/confirmation stage.
transfer request #
The request_transfer is quite simple: given the sender’s account id, the receiver’s account id and the amount to transfer, it inserts the pending entry into transfer_log and returns the transfer id generated on insertion. This transfer id can then be used to either confirm or cancel the transfer.
create function request_transfer(from_acc int, to_acc int, amount numeric)
returns uuid
language 'plpgsql'
as $$
transfer_id uuid;
with tf as (
insert into transfer_log(from_account, to_account, amount)
values (from_acc, to_acc, amount)
returning transfer_log_id
select transfer_log_id into transfer_id from tf;
return transfer_id;
A lot of the work to ensure the transfer request entry is valid is handled by the contraints and additional pre-triggers placed on the transfer_log table. For example,
the foreign key constraint ensures that the to_acc must exist
the nonnegative constraint on amount ensures that the sender cannot send negative money which is basically stealing money from the receiver
The transfer_log trigger detailed earlier ensures that a transfer request must begin from a pending state and the from_account cannot be changed once inserted since it it were otherwise, an enterprising user can modify the from field after insertion and before confirmation so as to swindle from someone else’s account.
One glaring aspect that’s missing is a security check to ensure that the transfer request comes from a verified sender account and the from_account id matches. I’m reading up as much as I can on row-level security and authorization so that it is incorporated in future. For now, it is expected that the application will handle such authorization.
transfer cancellation #
An account user is given the chance to cancel a transfer if they don’t intend for it to go through. This is achieved via the following cancel_transfer function:
create function cancel_transfer(transfer_id uuid)
returns boolean
language 'plpgsql'
as $$
tf_row record;
update transfer_log
set transfer_status = 'cancelled'
where transfer_log_id = transfer_id and transfer_status = 'pending';
select * into tf_row from transfer_log where transfer_log_id = transfer_id;
if tf_row.transfer_status = 'cancelled' then
return 't';
return 'f';
end if;
The function is a bit extraneous since the update query is quite simple, it can be invoked directly from the application. I guess I got carried away with trying to use stored procedures as much as possible. My original intention was to have the cancel requests be idempotent. In a way, this is already achieved by the transfer_log trigger which ensures that once a transfer entry’s state is changed to ‘cancelled’ (or any other non-pending state), further modifications (such as the update in this case) are disabled.
transfer confirmation #
Finally, an account’s user can confirm a pending transfer using the confirm_transfer function - all they have to provide is the transfer_id. This function is quite involved compared to previous ones:
create function confirm_transfer(transfer_id uuid)
returns boolean
language 'plpgsql'
as $$
sender_acct_id int;
tf_row transfer_log%ROWTYPE;
--update sender account, deduct balance
select * into tf_row from transfer_log where transfer_log_id = transfer_id;
if tf_row.transfer_status = 'confirmed' then
return 't';
end if;
if tf_row.transfer_status <> 'pending' then
return 'f';
end if;
with sender as(
update account
set balance = balance - tf_row.amount, updated_at = now()
where account_id = tf_row.from_account
and is_active = 't'
and balance >= tf_row.amount
returning account_id
)select account_id into sender_acct_id from sender;
--if from_acc has insufficient balance or acct deactivated then error
if not found then
update transfer_log
set transfer_status = 'error'
where transfer_log_id = transfer_id and transfer_status = 'pending';
return 'f';
end if;
--update receiever account
update account
set balance = balance + tf_row.amount, updated_at = now()
where account_id = tf_row.to_account;
--update transfer_status in transfer_log
update transfer_log
set transfer_status = 'confirmed'
where transfer_log_id = transfer_id;
--timeout other previous transfer requests
update transfer_log
set transfer_status = 'timeout'
where transfer_status = 'pending' and from_account = sender_acct_id;
return 't';
The first part of confirm_transfer checks whether the confirmation has already been made or if the caller is attempting to confirm a non-pending transfer:
select * into tf_row from transfer_log where transfer_log_id = transfer_id;
if tf_row.transfer_status = 'confirmed' then
return 't';
end if;
if tf_row.transfer_status <> 'pending' then
return 'f';
end if;
Past the checks, a deduction is made from the sender’s account, with checks that the sender’s account should be active, and they should have enough money to begin with before sending. Otherwise, the transfer status is set to error and the function returns immediately.
with sender as(
update account
set balance = balance - tf_row.amount, updated_at = now()
where account_id = tf_row.from_account
and is_active = 't'
and balance >= tf_row.amount
returning account_id
)select account_id into sender_acct_id from sender;
--if from_acc has insufficient balance or acct deactivated then error
if not found then
update transfer_log
set transfer_status = 'error'
where transfer_log_id = transfer_id and transfer_status = 'pending';
return 'f';
end if;
-- ...
Next the amount is added to the receiver’s account. Inactive accounts can still receive money unless a change to the requirement is made. Since the receiver’s account id is retrieved from the transfer entry, we know that it already exists (via the foreign key constraint), hence there’s no need to perform such a check again.
update account
set balance = balance + tf_row.amount, updated_at = now()
where account_id = tf_row.to_account;
The transfer entry state is then changed to ‘confirmed’.
update transfer_log
set transfer_status = 'confirmed'
where transfer_log_id = transfer_id;
Finally, other pending requests are timed out. This is so as to constrain account holders to only carrying out a transfer(both stages), one at a time and in combination with UI and the application, prevent them from mistakenly repeating the same transfer several times.
update transfer_log
set transfer_status = 'timeout'
where transfer_status = 'pending' and from_account = sender_acct_id;
It goes without saying that the entire procedure should be atomic. In the transfer concurrency issues section, a discussion on the correct isolation level for the transaction block is provided.
It is worth noting that the confirm_transfer has the same security issue as the request_transfer and even cancel_transfer, that is, they all have no means of enforcing that only the authorized sender can initiate a transfer, cancel it or confirm it. Part of mitigating this is delegated to the application. The other part is the sender’s responsibility. The UUID is guaranteed to be unique. Therefore, as long as the application ensures it is delivered securely, the only way a third party could know its exact value is if the sender revealed it to them. This is also why uuids are used instead of serial keys, since with serial keys, attackers can just post the transfer id back and confirm/cancel transfers that don’t belong to them by easily generating keys. Hashing the uuid before sending and caching it until it’s processed at the application does not add any security benefits plus it adds the burden of making the application stateful.
transfer concurrency issues #
As is, I don’t think there is any concurrency error that can occur if request_transfer is invoked without placing it in a transaction block - it’s a simple insertion. However, both the cancel_transfer and confirm_transfer have to be invoked within a transaction block. Moreover, given that locks aren’t used (they are harder to get right and reason with), it’s expected that both functions are invoked under a serializable isolation level. This not only ensures correctness under concurrency, it also provides a simple reasoning model whereby, we only have to think about whether they are doing the right thing when run serially (ie one by one rather than concurrently). The only downside is that the application must be ready to retry when serialization errors occurs.
From the application (using node.js), in order to carry out the transfer within a transaction, I use the following helper or rather, wrapper:
const makeSerializableTx = async (doSQL) => {
let serializationErrOccured = false;
do {
const client = await db.getClient();
try {
await client.query("begin isolation level serializable");
const res = await doSQL(client);
await client.query("commit");
return res;
} catch (err) {
await client.query("rollback");
serializationErrOccured = err.code === "40001";
if (serializationErrOccured === false) {
throw err;
} finally {
} while (serializationErrOccured);
From there, the confirmTransfer procedure is as follows. makeSerializableTx handles retrying the transfer if a serialization error occurs:
const confirmTransfer = (transferID) =>
makeSerializableTx(async (tx) => {
const res = await tx.query("select confirm_transfer($1)", [transferID]);
return { confirmed: res.rows[0].confirm_transfer };
The rest of the code for the full API is in this repository. It’s almost complete but I’ve paused adding further features since on load-testing, Postgres was reporting dead-lock errors and I’m trying to figure out what’s causing them and how I can fix it. I welcome any and all suggestions. Regards.