Back To Basics: The foundation of Joins in SQL

  ·   17 min read

Now, I’ve written previously on how, when learning SQL, I had trouble understanding joins conceptually and even at a much more technical level. Usually, joins are presented to learners as is since, after all, SQL is a declarative language and the user ought to focus on framing the correct query, and let the database engine figure out how to answer it correctly. It’s tempting to try to figure out the ‘how’, worse so as a beginner, and at first I wrongly assumed that joins in sql follow a sort of pointer or link when a column in a table is declared as a foreign key to primary key in another table.

I quickly discarded this assumption when I encountered queries that didn’t fit to it. In the end, I settled on ‘joins as a reduce/fold over tables’ as detailed in the linked post above. However, I was still left with the lingering thought that joins have something to do with foreign keys since all the queries I had come across at that point always involved both. As such, I had to dig deeper. This article therefore is a deep-dive for SQL beginners (and even those at the intermediate-level) on how joins and foreign keys fit into SQL. Spoiler alert, joins are not interlinked in any way with foreign keys; joins are basically row-level filters and in fact, any query written using joins can be rewritten without them (with a little help from cross products). On the other hand, foreign keys (as an abstraction) are nothing more than constraints that ensure the value in a given column is a primary key, (or unique) in some other table.

I’ll be using an example database in Postgres to demonstrate cross-products and build back to a clearer understanding of joins.

Okay, let’s go. Suppose we are building a database for a charity group which wants to keep track of all the volunteers who’ve joined and all the activities they undertake. We’ll keep things simple and introduce other aspects as we go on. Activities within the charity can be broken down into what needs to be done and where it should be done. Multiple activities can take place in the same location so we’ll have to separate the two. The ‘what’ is captured by the task table and the ‘where’ is captured by the venue table. Again there’s probably more attributes that we need to capture but this will do for now:

create table if not exists venue(
    venue_id serial primary key,
    place varchar(50)

create table if not exists task(
    task_id serial primary key,
    venue_id integer references venue(venue_id),
    date date default now(),
    details text

And a couple of values to use for queries:

insert into venue(place)
    ('St John''s Church'),
    ('Apollo Orphanage'),
    ('Red Cross Center'),
    ('Rio Nursing Home'),
    ('Southfield Correctional Center');

insert into task(venue_id, details)
    (2, 'Donate clothes, play with children'),
    (2, 'Teach music lessons'),
    (1, 'Clean compound'),
    (1, 'Sing christmas carols'),
    (3, 'Blood donation drive'),
    (4, 'Cook food');

Now a typical query is for generating the list of all tasks that potential volunteers might want to sign up for. Being a synthetic key, the venue id is meaningless to humans so we’ll have to retrieve the related location name. We can’t use joins yet (until we see how they fit in); we’ll have to use the cross-product. And if you’re unfamilar with what cross-products are exactly, we’ll get to it soon enough.

To get the cross product of two or more tables, we simply list the tables in the from clause separating each name with a comma: we can think of the comma as the cross-product operator:

select *
from task, venue;

If you run the query above, you’ll get an error since both task and venue have a venue_id column hence the query is ambiguous. Just like joins, when it comes to cross-products, it’s best to specify the exact columns from which tables that we require in order to avoid such errors:

select details, date, place
from task, venue;

However, this query returns 30 rows when we only expect 6 (as we have 6 tasks). We even get rows for the ‘Southfield Correctional Center’ which shouldn’t be in the result set since no task is allocated there. This is because, given SQL’s roots in set theory, the cross-product is similar (if not equivalent) to the cartesian product of two sets: given two tables T1 and T2, take a row in T1, pair it one by one with all the rows in T2 and repeat for this procedure for the rest of the rows in T1 resulting in a mega-table. Think of it as a for-loop within a for-loop. In majority of cases, we don’t need all the rows that a cross-product returns; on running the following query, we can see which specific rows we require from the cross-product:

select t.venue_id, v.venue_id, details, date, place
from task t, venue v;

Therefore, to get only the relevant rows where the task is paired up with its appropriate location, we use the where clause to filter the rest out:

select details, date, place
from task t, venue v
where t.venue_id = v.venue_id;

And this is pretty much how ‘joins’ (specifically the inner join) can be carried out without using a join statement, by using cross-product and row-level filters!

It also illustrates a couple of things which were not obvious (at least to me) when using join statements:

One, given how we are using the task.venue_id in the where clause to ‘simulate’ the join, a foreign key column is just that, a column like any other column: when a column stores foreign keys it does not create any sort of underlying links and pointers between the two tables, a conceptualization mistake I made at first when trying to understand joins and foreign relations.

In fact, as I was trying to find out whether such ’links’ are created in SQL, I instead learned the opposite: unlike previous database models, the relational model (which SQL databases implement) deliberately eschews any form of explicit links between collections of data i.e. the tables…

Let’s pause a bit and take a trip down memory lane. For brevity’s sake, let’s skip the pre-cambrian era where there were no databases and head straight to triassic period when the first databases were emerging. One key aspect that drove database development and evolution was the question: how should the data be represented? Moreover, since data in ‘real life’ is usually interlinked, how should such relationships be outlined. Given the interests of both businesses and academia, various data models were proposed in the 70s and 80s to address this key issue.

One of the first models proposed was the Hierarchical Model. From Wikipedia, we have the following description of this model:

A hierarchical database model is a data model in which the data are organized into a tree-like structure. The data are stored as records which are connected to one another through links. A record is a collection of fields, with each field containing only one value. The type of a record defines which fields the record contains. The hierarchical database model mandates that each child record has only one parent, whereas each parent record can have one or more child records. In order to retrieve data from a hierarchical database the whole tree needs to be traversed starting from the root node.

In our charity organization example, using the hierarchical model would entail having the organization as the root. The next level is not as straightforward: should the members come next or should the activities come next, or even the activity locations. Suppose we have the members at the next level. For each member node, we add the activity they signed up for as the children. This results in duplication since there’s no way to add a single canonical entry for an activity. From there, under the activities, we add the location for the activity. Again, we are duplicating location entries for each activity- as always in database design, duplication is a huge red-flag. Now, suppose you are tasked with generating for each location, the number of members who have frequented there. Using SQL, this is straightforward. Under the hierarchical model, not quit so. As the author and systems researcher Martin Kleppman notes, the shortcomings of the hierarchical model were soon encountered when developers had to model/generate many-to-many relationships or even when they tried to carry out joins. (Btw, if you want a more indepth but beginner-friendly tour of database models and how history is being repeated again be sure to check out chapter 2 of Kleppman’s book, Designing Data-Intensive Applications).

Next, the Network Model was proposed. In jest, the thinking probably went like this: what if we took the hierarchical structure, and simply allowed for children nodes to have multiple parents - voila! many-to-many relationships. I mean, it’s a straight forward solution, one that I could see myself blurting out. And just like the Hierarchical mode, this too had explicit links between the records that you’d use to traverse the data. However, by solving this one specific problem (the many-to-many relationships), the Network Model opened up a whole can of worms. For one, how exactly do you query such a database in a way that’s straightforward and maintenable; for all its shortcomings, at least with the hierachical model, you had a definite path to the desired record. There were other additional factors that held back application and database developers from adopting the network model and for a while the hierarchical model remained dominant.

That was until the relational model was introduced. It’s such a simple and straightforward model, almost too simple: entities are represented as rows in a table, and each column of the table represents an attribute of the given entity, basically spreadsheets (air-quotes) on steroids. There are no links which the application developer has to explicitly traverse so as to get the data: instead, the developer writes a query that lays out the ‘shape’ of the data that the developer wants back, (the shape itself conforming to a table), and the query processor in the database figures out how to efficiently traverse its internal data-structures in order to ‘answer’ this query correctly. In other words, all the developer has to deal with is the abstraction of a table/relation and the accompanying guarantees & constraints.

One thing to note (again) is that unlike the hierarchical and network model, the relational model doesn’t really specify explicit links: again, all you have to work with are disparate tables. Instead, the relational model provides something way more powerful, a schema. The database will enforce this schema come rain or shine. Hence the ‘C’ in ACID - Consistency. At first, it’s not apparent how a schema solves the problem of interlinks and relationships but we’ll see how. As per the relational model, the column of each row has a domain that’s specified in the schema. Before any insert or modification of a value, the database checks that the value belongs in its respective domain. If not, the db rejects the value and ’throws’ an error. This is what’s referred to as ‘schema-on-write’. It is in contrast to some modern ’no-sql’ databases that don’t enforce any schema at the db level - hence developers have to check if the data conforms to some schema at the application level. This can be done before sending the data into the database for insertion/updating (e.g. if you’re using mongoose for mongodb or the joi library for couchdb in node.js). It’s referred to as ‘application-level schema’. Alternatively, for no-sql databases that don’t support schemas, the application has to validate the data after reading it from the database i.e. ‘schema-on-read’.

Back to SQL and relational databases. When we declare a column as a foreign key what we are in fact doing is simply adding a constraint at the schema level. Zero ’links’ are created. Instead the database ensures that for every non-null value we add at that column, a corresponding value that it is equal to it exists as a primary key in the referenced table. This is referred to as Referential Integrity. For the sake of being pedantic, referential integrity is more general, it does not require the referenced column to be a primary key- the exact term we’re looking for is foreign-key constraint.

Given that we’ve already created the table task, we can tack on foreign-key constraint to our table as follows:

alter table task
add constraint constraint_task_venue_id_fk foreign key (venue_id) references venue (venue_id);

The foreign key constraint can also be added when defining the table.

create table if not exists task2(
    task_id serial primary key,
    venue_id integer references venue(venue_id),
    date date default now(),
    details text

As for joins, as we’ve seen, they boil down to row-level filters on the cross-products of tables and are carried out during query time, NOT during insertion or updating. Do note that sql databases carry out joins in a manner that’s way more efficient than simply creating a mega-table via cross-products and filtering. The beauty though is that all these should be, and is abstracted away from us. That’s all there is to it logically, there are no links or pointers added or to be traversed by the database user.

In addition, SQL provides some niceties when it comes to foreign keys. Suppose the corresponding primary key is either deleted or modified (modifying a primary key is another red flag to be watched out for in the database design, primary keys should be as intransigient as possible). The database could be in a state where one of the values, the ‘former’ foreign key, in one of the columns does not belong in its specified domain, i.e. the db is in an inconsistent state, which is a big no-no in SQL databases. In order to prevent this scenario, SQL requires us to specify what should happen to the corresponding foreign keys when one attempts to delete/modify a primary key.

On deletion we add one of the following keywords to tell the database what course of action to take

  • on delete cascade: we’ll have the row which the foreign key is part of be deleted too

  • on delete set null: the foreign key value is set to null

  • on delete set default: if we have a reasonable default value, we can have the db resort to that value instead of null

  • on delete restrict: we can outright prevent anyone from deleting the row with the primary key if there’s any foreign key referencing it. If we don’t specify any action, postgres defaults to on delete no action. The Postgres documentation explains that:

    RESTRICT prevents deletion of a referenced row. NO ACTION means that if any referencing rows still exist when the constraint is checked, an error is raised; this is the default behavior if you do not specify anything. (The essential difference between these two choices is that NO ACTION allows the check to be deferred until later in the transaction, whereas RESTRICT does not.)

On Updates, we can also add one of the following keywords:

  • on update cascade: the foreign-key value is also changed to reflect the changes on the primary key
  • on update set null: same as the deletion case
  • on update set default: same as the deletion case
  • on delete restrict: same as the deletion case
  • on update no action: same as the deletion case

Therefore, if we wanted to be more explicit in our declaration for the table, we could add the following keywords. One, we want to prevent any deletion of locations for archival purposes. We also don’t expect the primary key to change especially since it’s an artificial key, ie it has no meaning to us humans, it’s simply there to make each row unique. However, if a location were to change in some way, eg demolished, and we wanted to capture this data, we could add a column in the venue table to indicate so.

create table if not exists task(
    task_id serial primary key,
    venue_id integer,
    date date default now(),
    details text,
    foreign key(venue_id) references venue on delete restrict on update restrict

To reiterate, we’ve seen how to do joins (inner joins) without using the join statement. Surprisingly, when SQL was first specified, it did not have the join statement at all, joins had to be carried out using cross-products and where clauses. join and its variants were added to SQL in the SQL92 specification and implemented by database vendors subsequently.

Using join for the same query above (in which used the cross-product and where clause) turns out as so:

select details, date, place
from task t join venue v on t.venue_id = v.venue_id;

Since both the foreign key column and the primary key column have the same name, we can use using which is arguably cleaner:

select details, date, place
from task t join venue v using(venue_id);

And compared to cross-products plus row-level filters, using joins (if you weren’t already doing so) is the best way to approach such kind of queries not only because it’s much more readable (it seperates row-level filters from join predicates) but also because it’ll probably run faster as most query processors optimize joins given it is the common case.

Outer joins without the ‘join’ keyword #

One last thing to point out is how to carry out an outer join without using join. As a quick recap, outer joins are used to retain rows that would otherwise be filtered out in an inner-join since they don’t have a correspoding row in the table being joined on. Suppose we’ve now started signing up members for our charity organization:

create table if not exists volunteer(
    volunteer_id serial primary key,
    last_name varchar(30) not null

insert into volunteer(last_name)

We then allocate tasks as so, presuming that no one volunteers to cook food or donate blood:

create table if not exists allocation(
    task_id integer references task(task_id),
    volunteer_id integer references volunteer(volunteer_id),
    primary key(task_id, volunteer_id)
insert into allocation(volunteer_id, task_id)

A query we might have to run at some point is to get for each task the number of volunteers allocated, maybe so that we can distribute volunteers to tasks better or for some other purpose:

select t.task_id, t.details, count(a.volunteer_id) as total_volunteers
from task t
    join allocation a using(task_id)
group by t.task_id
order by total_volunteers desc;

However, this discards rows from the task table that don’t have anyone allocated to them, yet we need this information. By simply changing to a left outer join, we get the required information:

select t.task_id, t.details, count(a.volunteer_id) as total_volunteers
from task t
    left join allocation a using(task_id)
group by t.task_id
order by total_volunteers desc;

If we were to do the same without a join statement, it gets a bit tricky. Let’s start with what we know so far, the inner join:

select t.task_id, t.details, count(a.volunteer_id) as total_volunteers
from task t, allocation a
where t.task_id = a.task_id
group by t.task_id
order by total_volunteers desc;

Now, the following is a trick I learned from Jennifer Widom’s Databases course; to do an outer left join query without using join, we have to find a way to include the rows that were filtered out by the where clause and plug in either null or the expected values.

select *
from (

    (select t.task_id, t.details, count(*) as total_volunteers
    from task t, allocation a
    where t.task_id = a.task_id
    group by t.task_id)


    (select task_id, details, 0 as total_volunteers
    from task
    where task_id not in (select task_id from allocation))

    ) as task_counts
order by total_volunteers desc;

Here’s another way of achieving the same results as above:

select t.task_id, t.details, count(volunteer_id) as total_volunteers
    task t,
        (select * from allocation)
        (select task_id, null
        from task
        where task_id not in (select task_id from allocation))
    ) as a
where t.task_id = a.task_id
group by t.task_id
order by total_volunteers desc;

And by they way, if you’re curious about how Postgres manages foreign key references for primary keys, its documentation provides the following. I presume it’s the same with other major relational databases.

A foreign key must reference columns that either are a primary key or form a unique constraint. This means that the referenced columns always have an index (the one underlying the primary key or unique constraint); so checks on whether a referencing row has a match will be efficient. Since a DELETE of a row from the referenced table or an UPDATE of a referenced column will require a scan of the referencing table for rows matching the old value, it is often a good idea to index the referencing columns too. Because this is not always needed, and there are many choices available on how to index, declaration of a foreign key constraint does not automatically create an index on the referencing columns. -

With that, I’d like to give credit to Martin Kleppman’s Designing Data-Intensive Application which I referenced heavily for the history of databases and Jennifer Widom’s Introduction to SQL course which massively improved my understanding of SQL.