Using DuckDB for vector/semantic search


This post goes over using DuckDB for vector/semantic search. The embeddings are generated using a FastEmbed-based UDF. The model used for embedding is BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5 which can be run locally (FastEmbed handles the downloading and setting up). To speed up embeddings, I used GPU-based generation which is 3 times faster than the CPU-based counterpart as per some benchmarks I ran.


The dataset that we’ll be carrying out search over is derived from Postgres Weekly. Each week PG Weekly publishes a ‘weekly email roundup of Postgres news and articles’. Unfortunately, they don’t provide search for previous editions so we’ll have to handle that part ourselves.

Let’s skip over the nitty-gritties (downloading the issues, cleaning up, parsing, etc). The entries in each issue are stored in the entries table. This table has the following schema (columns not referenced in this post are omitted, for simplicity).

create table entries(
    id integer primary key,
    title varchar not null,
    content varchar,
    tag varchar

Generating Embeddings

From there, let’s get the model:

from fastembed import TextEmbedding

name = "BAAI/bge-small-en-v1.5"
model = TextEmbedding(model_name=name, providers=["CUDAExecutionProvider"])
model_description = model._get_model_description(name)
dimension = model_description["dim"]

The model’s dimension is 384, we’ll need it when setting up the schema for emebeddings and querying too.

Next, let’s connect to DuckDB:

import duckdb

db_path = "./pg_weekly.db"
conn = duckdb.connect(db_path)

From there, let’s create a UDF which we will use to generate emebeddings within DuckDB. The function is vectorized - it takes a vector of string and returns a vector of embeddings.

import duckdb.typing as t
import numpy as np
import pyarrow as pa

def embed_fn(documents):
    embeddings = model.embed(documents.to_numpy())
    return pa.array(embeddings)


I opted for a UDF out of familiarity though I think it’s unnecessary: I have a hunch that querying all the data from the database into the client, carrying out the embeddings generation then bulk inserting should be faster than using a UDF but I’ll have to test it out first.

From there, let’s create the table to store the embeddings and insert them. Everything from here will be carried out within a transaction, just in case something goes wrong>


For the emebeddings table:

create or replace table embeddings(
    entry_id int unique not null,
    vec FLOAT[{dimension}] not null,

    foreign key(entry_id) references entries(id)

We have to build the string rather than pass the dimension as an argument since DDL statements don’t allow for parametrized queries - at least in this case.

As for the generation:

    insert into embeddings by name
        id as entry_id,
        embed(title || '\n' || coalesce(content, '')) as vec
    from entries)

The content column might have null values hence the coalesce - null propagates resulting in the entire string being null which in turn errors out during embedding.

Vector Indexing

DuckDB now offers native vector indexing, let’s use it rather than relying on an external library, or worse, an entire service.

First let’s load the extension and configure it to allow for persisting vector indexes:

conn.execute("set hnsw_enable_experimental_persistence = true")

From there, let’s create the index:

    create index entries_vec_index on embeddings
    using hnsw(vec)
    with (metric = 'cosine');

Finally, we can commit the transaction:


Update: With the version of DuckDB (v1.0.0 1f98600c2c) I used at the time of writing this post, the index doesn’t get picked up by the query planner for some reason, probably a bug, so this step can be discarded. For further discussion on this, please check my post particularly the section on cosine similarity.

With the index in place, we can now carry out vector similarity search quite efficiently:

search_term = "postgres performance monitoring"

query_embedding = list(model.query_embed(search_term))[0]

search_results = conn.execute(
    from entries e
    join embeddings em on = em.entry_id
    order  by array_cosine_similarity(vec, $1::FLOAT[{dimension}]) desc
    limit 10

for v in search_results.fetchall():

I’m tempted to also make they query embedding a UDF too but for now, this will do.